What God Requires
This week, we are exploring what it truly means to walk in the will of God. Take a moment to reflect and begin with a simple prayer.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings in my life. Help me to always focus on You and Your word, through times of peace, as well as in times of turmoil. Remind me to take humble steps by Your side and live my life according to Your will. Thank You for loving me and leaving the ninety-nine. Amen.
Micah 6:8 (NLT)
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
Why do you think this is such a popular scripture? What comes to mind when you contemplate its simplicity? This verse expresses, in one sentence, what God wants from us when it comes to how we treat one another. Israel had just called out to God, accusing Him of asking too much of them. So God broke it down. What God requires is not mysterious. It’s no accident you are reading this today. God is showing you what’s good.
What comes to mind when you think of fairness? Take a moment to reflect on how you treat others, how others treat you, and how God treats you. Under Mosaic Law, God wanted leaders to provide fair treatment to the less fortunate and safeguards were established for these purposes. Do you recall a time when you participated in or experienced unfairness? Take some time to journal your experiences, but with this verse in mind.
Contemplate what it means to love mercy. Think of some times where God has shown mercy to you or others. We aren’t commanded to just show mercy to others begrudgingly; we are to enjoy and love extending mercy to others, the mercy God has shown us.
God is gentle and humble in heart (Matthew 11:29). We are created in His image, and He calls us to walk humbly with Him. We aren’t to be boastful or prideful. We are to be humbled in our relationships and circumstances. Take a moment to reflect on circumstances where we need to actively and intentionally walk humbly with God:
*During trials
*When studying His word
*In all our motives and actions
*When we are overwhelmed
*When dealing with sinners
*During devotion time
*When interacting with others
*When disciplining our children
*In the workplace
These three, simple commands are a struggle for us humans. But walking humbly with God is the key to the first two. If we are truly walking with Him as He desires us to, we will also be just and love to show mercy. God shows us what’s good, what’s evil, and what He requires of us.
As we close today, spend some time asking God to show you the areas of your life that need to change by challenging you in a humble walk with Him.
What can you do to teach these lessons to a younger generation, either verbally or through your actions? Journal any changes in your relationship with God this week, after intentionally walking humbly with Him.
Draw near to the Lord today. Be informed by His word, motivated by your relationship with Him, and empowered by the Spirit of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings in my life. Help me to always focus on You and Your word, through times of peace, as well as in times of turmoil. Remind me to take humble steps by Your side and live my life according to Your will. Thank You for loving me and leaving the ninety-nine. Amen.
Micah 6:8 (NLT)
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.
Why do you think this is such a popular scripture? What comes to mind when you contemplate its simplicity? This verse expresses, in one sentence, what God wants from us when it comes to how we treat one another. Israel had just called out to God, accusing Him of asking too much of them. So God broke it down. What God requires is not mysterious. It’s no accident you are reading this today. God is showing you what’s good.
What comes to mind when you think of fairness? Take a moment to reflect on how you treat others, how others treat you, and how God treats you. Under Mosaic Law, God wanted leaders to provide fair treatment to the less fortunate and safeguards were established for these purposes. Do you recall a time when you participated in or experienced unfairness? Take some time to journal your experiences, but with this verse in mind.
Contemplate what it means to love mercy. Think of some times where God has shown mercy to you or others. We aren’t commanded to just show mercy to others begrudgingly; we are to enjoy and love extending mercy to others, the mercy God has shown us.
God is gentle and humble in heart (Matthew 11:29). We are created in His image, and He calls us to walk humbly with Him. We aren’t to be boastful or prideful. We are to be humbled in our relationships and circumstances. Take a moment to reflect on circumstances where we need to actively and intentionally walk humbly with God:
*During trials
*When studying His word
*In all our motives and actions
*When we are overwhelmed
*When dealing with sinners
*During devotion time
*When interacting with others
*When disciplining our children
*In the workplace
These three, simple commands are a struggle for us humans. But walking humbly with God is the key to the first two. If we are truly walking with Him as He desires us to, we will also be just and love to show mercy. God shows us what’s good, what’s evil, and what He requires of us.
As we close today, spend some time asking God to show you the areas of your life that need to change by challenging you in a humble walk with Him.
What can you do to teach these lessons to a younger generation, either verbally or through your actions? Journal any changes in your relationship with God this week, after intentionally walking humbly with Him.
Draw near to the Lord today. Be informed by His word, motivated by your relationship with Him, and empowered by the Spirit of God.
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