721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Reflecting on the Psalms

We are purposed to set aside Sundays at the Tree Church Daily as a special time to engage our hearts and minds in worship, prayer and fellowship. It is a day to devote to God, and for seeking His will for our lives. This involves praying and asking the Holy Spirit to speak His truth to us. As you start your day, let’s pray…
Heavenly Father, I so love You. I am grateful for Your love and grace. Lord, give me a desire to seek You and Your wisdom in everything I do. Help me to trust that You are with me, and You will always care for me, no matter how messy or complicated my life becomes. Amen.
This week, we are taking a break from the series, Following Jesus. We will spend some time in the book of Psalms, learning how King David and the other psalmists used their writings to pour out their fears and doubts, as well as their triumphs and devotion to God. Whether the psalmist is in despair and expressing his burdens to God, or rejoicing about God’s love and faithfulness, we can hear through these words their honest feelings toward God.

As we prepare this week to learn more, take a few moments to consider the following questions. Write your thoughts in a journal, record them on a voice recorder, or just spend some quiet time reflecting on what comes to mind.

Have you ever felt like God has abandoned you?

Do you put your trust in God to care for you, even when bad things happen in your life?

Do you run to God for refuge in times of trouble?

Today, go to God in prayer, and just like the psalmists, share your heartfelt thoughts and feelings with Him. Listen to what He has for you. If needed, use the following prompts to help you get started. Don’t rush your time with God; take as much time as you need.

God, are You listening? Sometimes I feel so alone…
Holy Spirit, thank You for being with me, and helping me deal with life’s daily struggles…

At church, and throughout your day, reach out to God and seek the same honest and genuine relationship with Him as the writers of the psalms had.

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