721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm
Seek and Save the Lost
November 22nd, 2023
"Jesus wasn’t just asking Zacchaeus for a place to stay; He was asking to be his friend."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Called to Serve
November 21st, 2023
"Let’s line ourselves up with the words of Jesus."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Is Your Faith Dead or Alive?
November 20th, 2023
“Our faith should compel us to action.”...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
November 19th, 2023
“When Jesus was traveling and preaching the good news of salvation, He always made time to be relational.”...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
An Eternal Glory
November 18th, 2023
“Your suffering may be real, but it is light and momentary compared to the eternal weight of glory it is producing in you.”...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
God is Faithful
November 17th, 2023
“As Christians, we must be thick-skinned when others are offended by our choice to follow Jesus. As a matter of fact, are we making our views known in a loving and thoughtful way so that others have t...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Forget the Past
November 16th, 2023
"My life’s work is but a shooting star, fading quickly. Few will see. My all is but so little. Let God’s love be my legacy."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
The God of All Comfort
November 15th, 2023
2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (NLT)All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort oth...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Testing Your Faith
November 14th, 2023
"Embrace trials with joy, knowing they are opportunities for growth and refinement. In doing so, we cultivate a resilient faith that stands unshaken, anchored in the promises of a faithful God."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Follow in His Steps
November 13th, 2023
"Christianity is not for the faint-hearted."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Why Suffering?
November 12th, 2023
"We can be confident that God is turning our pain into progress and, ultimately, a heavenly reward."...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Clothed In God's Presence
November 11th, 2023
“God's desire is for us to live in freedom and holiness, not in bondage to our desires.”...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller