721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

A Dangerous Trap

“Scripture is clear: the only one we should fear is God.”

Proverbs 29:25 (NLT)

Fearing people is a dangerous trap,
but trusting the Lord means safety.


I am directionally challenged, so I heavily rely on my GPS to get me from place A to B. There are times the GPS will warn me of a speed trap up ahead. I respond to the warning by being cognizant of my speed and on guard for a potential police officer.

This verse is a warning. It is warning us of a particularly dangerous trap: fearing people. I will admit, when I was assigned this verse, I did not think of myself as one who fears people. I am comfortable declining social opportunities and walking at my own pace. However, as I allowed this verse to sink into my heart, I realized I do fear people. I care what people think of me. Why? I want to be liked and accepted. My fear is rejection.

I believe many of us fear rejection. Think about these scenarios below:

We engage in conversation that isn’t pleasing to the Lord because we don’t want people to think we’re uptight.

We allow our children to participate in activities that stretch the boundaries because we don’t want other parents to think we're too overbearing.

We don’t share Jesus with friends, family, or co-workers because we don’t want them to think we’re weird.

Can you relate? I sure can. Fearing people isn’t just a trap, it is a dangerous trap. Why? It has the potential of placing people over God in our heart. It has the potential of compromising our character, witness, and values as Christians.

Scripture is clear: the only one we should fear is God. God is the most powerful, the Almighty. He loves us. He saves us. He changes us. He accepts us.

Just like my response to a speed trap warning, let’s be cognizant of fearing man over God and be on guard for the traps. Fear rejection from man no more and continually seek to please the Lord!

Action Steps
Read Psalm 112:1 five times. Revert to this verse when you face temptation to fear people over God.

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Guide me to see the traps up ahead and strengthen me to avoid them. Help me to always honor You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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