721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm
Peace Like a River
June 6th, 2024
We are continuing with our series Following Jesus. This week, we focus more on the truth that Jesus presented during his time on earth, and how this impacts us as Christians. Let’s begin with a prayer...  Read More
by Heather Fox
The Genuine Disciple
June 5th, 2024
Jesus' teachings emphasize that merely hearing and knowing God's word lacks in sincere discipleship. Instead, genuine discipleship involves actively living out God's word in obedience. Jesus modeled t...  Read More
by Corey Brown
Divine Submission
June 4th, 2024
As our Creator, God has provided guidance through His word on what not to do, but more importantly, He’s provided an example of how to live an abundant life on earth and in heaven. Yesterday, we took ...  Read More
by Matt Reese
Abide in My Word
June 3rd, 2024
As we spend time with Christ this week, we are thinking about the practical application of truth to our lives. Truth is not an assent to a set of mental principles, but the very thing that shapes our ...  Read More
by Chris Reed
Truth Has Been Revealed – Submit to It
June 2nd, 2024
We are purposed to set aside Sundays at the Tree Church Daily as a special time to prepare our hearts and minds for worship, prayer and fellowship. It is a day to devote to God and learn more about wh...  Read More
by Renee Frederick
Reflecting on Truth Has Been Revealed – Know It
June 1st, 2024
Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God has been speaking to you this week and how it will affect your life going forward.From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope that you have had...  Read More
by Mary Johnson
Our Firm Foundation
May 31st, 2024
This week, we have been pursuing the deep understanding that it takes both obedience and surrender to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Yesterday, we examined the words of eternal life, and today, w...  Read More
by Terri Byron
The Words of Eternal Life
May 30th, 2024
We are exploring the nature of truth and the claim that Jesus makes to be the truth. But we live in a world of á la carte truth, so coming to terms with such an exclusive claim can be off-putting. We ...  Read More
by Chris Reed
The Living Word
May 29th, 2024
This week, we are pressing into the truth that has been revealed through Jesus. We are inundated with imposter truths every day from other influences we allow in our lives. I know for me, this often o...  Read More
by Jenna Reese
Did God Really Say…?
May 28th, 2024
As we progress in the series Following Jesus, we are learning more about how God has revealed His truth through Scripture, and that even Jesus studied the scriptures. We don’t have to figure out truth...  Read More
by Renee Frederick
Girded with Truth
May 27th, 2024
This week, we are exploring what it truly means to die to ourselves and live a life immersed in God’s truth. Take a moment to reflect and begin with a simple prayer.Heavenly Father, thank You for all ...  Read More
by Jennifer Sosniak
Truth Has Been Revealed – Know It
May 26th, 2024
Sundays at Tree Church Daily are a day to prepare our hearts for what He wants to do through corporate worship. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is doing currently and wants to do in ...  Read More
by Chris Reed