721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

What Are You Asking For?

“Show me the path that will give my soul rest with You.”

Jeremiah 6:16 (NLT)
This is what the LORD says: 'Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, 'No, that's not the road we want!'


One of my favorite things to do is take a walk. I live out in the country at the end of a dead-end road, so I always have a decision to make: which direction do I want to go? My kids love to come along and ride their bikes. They will ride ahead and then stop, turn around and say, “Which way, Momma?” There is nothing so sweet to a mother’s ears as her children turning to her for direction. I pray they always feel comfortable saying this to me… and I prefer it said just like that every time! Melts my heart.

But you know what? God wants the same thing from us. We tend to run ahead in everything we do. We are faced with decisions every day, and many times we just go with what looks to be the best option, head down that path, and THEN ask for God to intercede. Our questions are usually shaped around how we want Him to answer, rather than seeking what He really wants for us. Just like my kids ride ahead, then stop and turn around, we often barrel ahead instead of looking for “the godly way” when we first get to the crossroads (verse 16).

When God spoke to Jeremiah and gave this guidance, He was asking His people to heed His way. To stop running ahead because they are going to pass up the best parts of what He had for them. Stop, look at the path ahead, and allow God to guide instead. God is a consistent Promise-keeper. His ways have never changed. His promises are true. So what question are we asking Him when we are at a crossroad? Will you stop to look at what’s ahead, then turn around and say “Father, which way do I go?” Or will you allow the distractions of what is offered in front of you to guide your desires?

Only God can provide the path to the true fulfillment of our hearts and “rest for your soul” (verse 16).

Action Steps

  1. Name the paths you regularly find yourself walking: in work, television, radio, news, podcasts, social media, exercise, alcohol, eating, shopping, and activities.
  2. Why do you choose these paths?
  3. Pick one path that you will stop, observe, and ask God, “Where do I go from here?” Listen to what He is asking of you to find a more godly way.


Jesus, thank You for always going before me, staying with me, and being there when I need to turn back. You are for me, and I can trust that You will fulfill the true desires of my heart every time I fully submit to You. Show me the path that will give my soul rest with You. Amen.

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